The Mission Statement
The MEIM thesis project should have a mission statement. Here goes:
The NoGoYo MEIM Thesis believes the entertainment business thrives on quality content delivered in a convenient fashion for a reasonable cost. To this end, the NoGoYO MEIM Thesis will provide a business plan for an organization that will enable those in The Industry to better achieve those criteria.
So now we have an end result - a business plan. This plan actually exists as part of the larger manifesto of NoGoYo, that being to do academic work that will be useful beyond its life in the world of academia.
I currently see the greatest opportunity for a feasible application of digital technology in the realm of data processing. What data will be available to the entertainment industry and how can it best be utilized? This idea applies mostly to the development and marketing of a movie. Or, is there a way to better test a script or idea before it is executed? Audience testing occurs after the fact and utilizes only a small sample of people, usually in Los Angeles, New York, or maybe Chicago. Peoria is left out in the cold. What if a system can be developed that gets a better feel for a project. Barring what we'll call the PSYCHO effect (where there's a big surprise that requires the audience not know the secret for film to be successful), many scripts or ideas could be passed before a larger community. Could the ideas of a site like be applied to films, wherein the community provides the ideas and creative capital? Yes, it is being done through YouTube and whatever Al Gore's website was, but maybe it could be melded more to be a mix of threadless and something like the Movie Stock Exchange. The idea is to find a better way to harness the crowd affect to determine the feasibility of a project before it begins.
As far as the thesis goes, I'm not sure it will be necessary to actually come up with this formula. All that is a needed is to come up with proof of concept and business plan. This can then be used to raise funding for a business.
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